Friday, August 22, 2014

Making "Coma"

 As most of you have probably heard by now, my husband D. R. Acula and I have been participating in a contest on a collaborative website called TentSquare, and for about a month now it's pretty much all we've been doing. We've now made it all the way to the final round, and for this round contestants were asked to write an original song, using elements of TentSquare's coming film "While You Were In A Coma" in which a man wakes up from a coma to find that aliens have invaded. 

We were told to incorporate a gas mask (which we happened to have anyway), a city (which we did NOT have), and the fact that the main character 'doesn't get the girl' in the end. So we built this whole apocalyptic world based on that little bit of information, in which our characters are in the midst of this war with the alien invaders, and we have run out of bullets so we have to use swords and hammers and such to fight them, and our characters are basically singing to the guy in the coma, waiting for him to wake up and 'help us save the world' as the song states. 

Photo by Kylie Jude

We only had about 10 days to compose the music, write the lyrics, film the video, edit the video, and get it uploaded (which for us is an entire day's work anyway). We celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary during the 10 days, and we had to take a few breaks for yard work, road work, house work, and even tearing apart and rebuilding our porch steps. So in reality it probably only took us 6 or7 days to do all of this work. And trust me, it was a LOT of work. 

First he composed the music, which featured elements of the video interview we submitted in the 2nd round, so it wasn't too hard to build on that and make it into a full length song. Then I wrote the lyrics, which I'll paste below in case you can't understand them in the song. Then we recorded vocals and I mixed them into the song, which took longer than it probably should have. 

Then we filmed the video, which took about 3 days, and was a combination of us, some close-up shots of the machines that conveniently decided to work on our road during that time (which never happens here so it was good timing - we figured they could pass for aliens), and footage that people sent us of cities including New York, Chicago, and even from Argentina. We don't have a city near where we live, so we were really lucky to get that footage from them. Then our TentSquare shirts arrived in the mail just in time to go back and film some extra shots for the last chorus with us wearing the shirts. 

Photo by D. R. Acula

Then came the editing process, which was probably the most tedious and time consuming of all, but I love editing and I had fun doing it. As it started to come together, I literally squealed with excitement a few times. LOL.

We both worked harder on this than I think we've ever worked on anything, and it was so much fun to create something like this together. Hopefully we'll be doing more stuff like this in the near future!  

UPDATE: We didn't win the contest, but we did come in second place. We are grateful to those who supported us and voted daily for us, and we hope to do more stuff like this in the future (even if it's not with TentSquare). We will be uploading the music video to Youtube as soon as we can, but for now you can still watch it on the site HERE.

And please let us know what you think!

  Oh! And here are those lyrics I promised: 

When you wake up
We need to talk 
Everything has changed my love 
They came from the skies 
Hell fire in their eyes 
And waves of radiation 

They blew the buildings down 
They blew the lights out 
And now we're left with nothing 
To fend for ourselves 
To fight for our lives 
And only the strong will survive

Are you strong enough to fight 
Or will you give in tonight 
Don your gas mask draw your sword 
Come and help us save the world 

Open your eyes 
Look to the skies 
Death is in the rain son 
Don't be fooled by 
Their coy disguise 
Trust nothing and no one 

Are you strong enough to fight 
Or will you give in tonight 
Don your gas mask draw your sword 
Come and help us save the world 

When you wake up 
We need to talk 
Everything has changed my love 
I'm not yours and 
You're not mine and 
We will never happen 

This is not the 
Time for love - it's 
Time for killing - time for war  
So don your gas mask 
Draw your sword 
Come and help us save the world 

Photo by D. R. Acula

Be the lightning,


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