Monday, July 28, 2014

Film Review: Lucy

Lucy is one of those movies that I did my excited chair dance for after seeing the first trailer in theaters. As usual, when I do that, I (and the people near me) know I will be trying my best to see it in theaters. When asked to choose just one movie to see between June and December, I picked Lucy. Then, on opening night, I started seeing a wave of negative reviews coming in online from some people who had seen it. I was shocked. And I was almost swayed by their opinions. But then I remembered that people also gave most of Shyamalan's films negative reviews, so I said TO HELL WITH THE PEOPLE, and the day after it hit theaters, we made the long and stressful trip to finally see Lucy.

It surprised me.
 In a good way.

Lucy is a feast for the eyes, ears, AND mind, and is also an in depth lesson on science, history, and biology. Not to mention, a lesson on human nature. And the way it cuts back and forth between time and space, and the way the transitions cut from one thing to something completely different and yet somehow connected, is genius on the part of cinematographer Thierry Arbogast as well as Luc Besson (who happens to be the film's writer, director, AND editor!)

Reviewers have said that Scarlett Johansson's acting was mediocre in this film, claiming she doesn't show enough emotion. But I mean, come on. She's playing someone who begins to essentially lose touch with what it is to be human, including emotion, so in that case I think she did a great job. And she shows plenty of emotion in the beginning of the film, before the drug is implanted, and even a couple times afterwards, as she exhibits genuine love and sorrow. I admit that even I was worried if she was the right choice to play Lucy, but After seeing it, I think she was perfect. Morgan Freeman also did a good job as the professor (as expected), and I was pleasantly surprised to see Amr Waked in this film, who previously stole the show for me in the movie Salmon Fishing In The Yemen. I'm excited that he's getting more work, and hope to see him in more films soon.

Reviewers have also said the special effects are bad, and while I agree that there is a little glitch in visual quality when she reaches 70%, I thought most of the other effects were pretty well done. That or I was too distracted by how the movie made me FEEL to notice any other bad special effects. 

This movie definitely had a strong impact on me, and it had me in tears twice. One thing is for certain, Lucy is an important one to see in theaters. If you're anything like me, you will leave this movie with a better perception of the world around you and the people inhabiting it, and with a sense of why we're all here. And if you're lucky, you might even unlock a bit more than 10% of your brain just by seeing it ;)

My husband Eric loved the movie too, while his mother, who saw it with us, didn't like it quite as much as she thought she would. I think this is because she was wanting and expecting a fun, entertaining movie, and while it did have some funny moments (I even heard her laughing), I think it ended up being a bit deeper than she expected. That's just speculation, of course. And I'm guessing that others who didn't like the movie might have also been expecting something a bit more light hearted. So if that's what you want in a movie, then I guess maybe Lucy isn't the movie for you. But if you like movies that are beautiful and entertaining while also making you think, Lucy is for you. Please see it.

Be the lightning,
Kylie Jude.


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