Thursday, February 21, 2013

Random Review: M. Night Shyamalan

My review of M. Night Shyamalan from Get Glue

In my opinion, M. Night Shyamalan is the greatest writer/director that ever lived. All of his films are so intricate & captivating, & I can't understand why so many people don't like him & his films. 

From "The Sixth Sense" to "The Village" Night is a genius when it comes to the twist ending, & this is the trait for which he is most well-known. Then there are films like "Signs" & "Lady In The Water" that produce a strange new outlook on the world. He is so good at instilling magic & faith & hope into the viewer's soul. & that is hard to do through film.

Night is reportedly a joy to work with as well, which makes for a happy cast & crew, which in turn makes for a wonderful film. He is still fairly young & already has an impressive resume of films, & I can't wait to see what he does next!


Night has inspired me so much over the years, & I don't think he's going to stop any time soon! He is & will always be my hero :)

And here's my review of Night's movie "The Village" also from Get Glue:

 This film beautifully depicts love in its truest most innocent form, & says something profound about human nature. I truly believe The Village has one of the best scripts ever written, with beautiful quotes, such as my favorite: 

"The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe." 

With gorgeous & haunting cinematography, a mind blowing twist, & amazing performances by Joaquin Phoenix (also in Night's film "Signs"), Bryce Dallas Howard (also in Night's film "Lady In The Water"), William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver, Adrien Brody & more, this film is a diamond in the rough. 

Many people were too small minded to enjoy the film & pick up on the moral of the story: you can take people out of the darkness but you can't take the darkness out of people. I love it. I even made a music video of it years ago. Here it is: 

And don't worry, there are no spoilers in the video, in fact, it's more like a trailer than anything, and people who have seen the video who haven't seen the movie have told me it made them want to see it. So even if you haven't seen it, you should have no reason not to watch the video. ;)

Night's most recent masterpiece is a film called "After Earth" which I finally got to see recently. Here's my review of it from Get Glue

I was so excited when I heard Shyamalan was making a new movie, but I was even more excited when I heard what it was about! I love scifi as well as anything post-apocalyptic, & After Earth combines the 2!

Others, however, weren't so excited. They still don't trust Night as a filmmaker. But I happily ignored the critics & saw it anyway, counting the minutes till it started & doing my little chair dance when it finally began.

Even though I sort of expected it to be great, I was still absolutely blown away. I was tearing up within the first 10 minutes! Night has done it again. In fact, I think he's even surpassed his other films with this one. Not only is it visually stimulating & absolutely gorgeous, but it has great acting from Will Smith & his son Jaden, & a great story with a great message: Danger is real, but fear is a choice. Among others.

We all need to see this. Absolutely see it. The critics are just mentally challenged, as usual. Best movie I've seen in a long time...

Here is the amazing trailer: 

I could go on and on, and rant about how much I love Night's other movies as well, but I've ranted enough. I apologize if it was a bit repetitive, but that's the beauty of copy and paste. ;) Needless to say, I love this man's work, and I hope he continues to amaze and inspire us with his creative mind for many years to come!

This has been a (not so random) review, from your friendly neighborhood Kylie Kerosene. Stay epic, and be the lightning. ;)

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